
Featurrre: Unknown Measures Magazine


Pay no more than $8

By My Pal Foot Foot

April 9th, 2024

Unknown Measures Subculture Quarterly

We like the touch and feel of touching and feeling. So when we saw that a friend took photographs for a music mag we hadn’t yet heard of, we sharpened our claws and did some digging. Days later we now have a copy of Unknown Measures Q2 2024 Subculture Quarterly.

We’re not going to spill its contents, get your own copy, but we’re writing this because its contents are good enough where we recommend that you do find $8 and order yourself one here. It’s filled with several in-depth interviews of up and coming acts of various flavors of Rock. There’s obviously plenty of great concert photography featured, but also a feature on a local NYC record shop we never would have discovered otherwise, and several pages of fresh music reviews.

All in all it serves as a great vehicle for new music discovery. We’ve yet to completely pour over it but we put on some of their featured bands while flipping through and our little rat ears are already tickled. If you’re sold, order your copy here. If not, check them out on Instagram below.

Keywords: Unknown Measures